About Me

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I am a mortgage professional and I take pride in what I do. My attributes are taken very seriously, such as honesty, treating others the way I wish to be treated and very caring for my family. I come from a strong Christian background and believe in always acknowledging God in all that I do. As many, I am on a journey trying to accomplish my dreams and goals. Being me is all I want to be. I am very confident and push hard to give my all.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bail Out The Regular People Please

Why is it so difficult for many to tell the truth?  Why do people in this society insist on treating others unjustly?  We are all aware of the devastation of our current economy; a fate we have not experienced since the 1930’s.  As a direct result, our highest financial institutions fail us as does our government -- “asthma pump please!”  These financial institutions and our government should have created an Amber Alert billboard.  When your monies are being lost or misappropriated lights will begin to flash followed by a illuminated message: We are SORRY but we are broke! We are SORRY for everything.  We are SORRY for not addressing serious problems in an efficient an urgent manner.  We are SORRY for not regulating Wall Street, Futures, Politicians and all other control modules.   All of these issues continue to severely affect the average 9 to 5 workers, struggling single parents, college students barely making ends meet, basically everyone. 

A great many people have lost money in these markets.  Many have lost their jobs and some, their homes too.  Some are forced to make complex decisions; having to chose paying bills over groceries, gas money over childcare, daily necessities over mortgage.  The people forced to make these decisions are unfortunately classified as REGULAR PEOPLE.  Umph!  Now this is a bit disturbing.  Let’s take a closer look at this equation.  I find it funny how people with money can insert demographics and laws, yet these are the same people who are getting away with financial capital murder.  And to make matters worse, very few are being brought up on charges.  The cliché holds true; people with money can manipulate regular people and the system AND get away with it. 

 If we, the regular people, even considered pulling anything like this in an attempt to cause financial havoc on the RICH, we would be serving 50 years to life.  Of course there are different factors which contributed to these uncertainties in our nation’s economy; however the main ingredient in this MUD PIE is greed, pure outright wicked greed.  How does one let a company wither away and yet still receive a 400 million dollars?  How can one commit fraud and still get a 30 million dollars signing bonus to accept a position as CEO at another company?  How is it that CEOs of various companies are capable of selling their stocks worth millions and leave their stockholders clinging for dear life?  I am finding out PRINCIPLES do not matter anymore.  Once upon a time this word had meaning.  If we are too set back to examine these financial crises, it is almost as if we are all in Vegas without actually being there.  It is as if we have been shooting craps for the last five years and now the HOUSE WINS! POLITICIANS, BANK EXECUTIVES, LOBBYIST, SIDE KICKS…….yes my friends we, the REGULAR PEOPLE, were taken for a ride.  Now who will do the time?   It will be the regular people.



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