About Me

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I am a mortgage professional and I take pride in what I do. My attributes are taken very seriously, such as honesty, treating others the way I wish to be treated and very caring for my family. I come from a strong Christian background and believe in always acknowledging God in all that I do. As many, I am on a journey trying to accomplish my dreams and goals. Being me is all I want to be. I am very confident and push hard to give my all.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Stock Market down/ investor opportunity.

I would like speak on an opportunity which will maximize your cash flow within a short period of time. I’ve came across an offering which is unique and benefiting to you the investor. The proposed term on the project is approximately 14 months, you can earn 25% on cash or cash flow- monthly is based on 18% annual interest. 

 A little about the project, Lima Peru is one of the fastest growing cities in South America.  This country has out performed and still out performing most well known countries, including the United States, the country has a 0% deficit which is very attractive to investors and business ventures such as ours. Our company purchases land, and partners with others to build condominium complexes and other developments, the loan you make will be a recourse agreement, reducing the risk - with high interest, keep in mind any business opportunity has risk, but this opportunity is backed by sound business practices, making it less risky.  These properties are being built in prime locations with pre-sold tenancy as well.

 The interest is paid out in two ways; both of them preferred to clients.  You get an 18% annual preferred return, paid in monthly checks or receive 25% ROI after completion of the project. **NOTE** both of these are preferred returns-the project sponsor makes nothing until you the investor has recouped your returns. 

 For further information please contact me at mmcommercialdeals@gmail.com or michael.mosely@alltrustrealestate.com  I will be more than happy to assist you in getting started to maximize your monies. To learn more now! please joint our webinar presentation.


Has the stock market let you down?

Of course it has, but the truth is, the stock market has a long history of letting you down!  It's just more obvious this year.

You can break away from the stock market and take better control of your retirement.

Make money the same way banks and other lenders make money.

Make double digit interest!!!


Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2008
7:00 PM Pacific Time - 8:00 pm, Mountain Time

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice and cool sites provided us some good content.well, keep up it.....

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